News 2

Dreharbeiten: "Polizeiruf 110 Magdeburg - Reptiloiden" (ARD)

Ich freue mich sehr, im Oktober für den neuen “Polizeiruf 110” in Magdeburg vor der Kamera zu stehen.

Regie führt Esther Bialas, produziert wird von Filmpool Fiction, und ich habe das Vergnügen, mit meinen wunderbaren Kollegen Samir Fuchs und Claudia Michelsen spielen zu dürfen.

Das Casting verantwortet die tolle Casting Director Mai Seck

ON SET: Shooting for football series "The Net" (d: Andreas Prochaska / ARD Degeto)


I’m delighted to join the international cast for exciting, dark, new football/soccer series “The Net”, alongside Tobias Moretti, Angel Coulby and Amanda Abbington; directed by Emmy-winner, Austrian director Andres Prochaska. Excited to get my teeth into a new character and some seriously exciting storytelling! :)

To find out more about this project, have a look at the press release in Deadline:

ON AIR: Julia in new thriller series "Sloborn" (Syrreal/ ZDF)

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#CoVid19 update: my last project before the March lockdown was a sweet little part in this eerily prescient thriller series, which deals with a deadly virus outbreak on an island in the North Sea….while the series was shot way before the current Corona pandemic, it’s timing is truly uncanny.

In March, I went into the studio to record the small, but vital part of a newsreader - you know, the one that’s keeping everyone informed about infection rates, symptoms, safety measures….and everything else that needs reporting during a virus outbreak.

It felt strange recording something fictitious, while the “real thing” was happening outside as I was recording….and it felt crucial to do this. My thanks go to the entire production team, who were a pure delight and joy to work with.

You can watch the complete series here:

ON SET: Julia is shooting "Blinder Fleck" for DFFB Berlin

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It’s always a joy and a pleasure to work with Germany’s finest, the DFFB filmschool in Berlin, and to support up and coming filmakers.

I play the lead role of “DONNA” in “Blinder Fleck”, written and directed by Luis Schubert.

The cast also includes: Sarina Radomski, Leon Ullrich, and Lia von Blarer.

"WOMAN OF THE WEEK": Podcast-interview with Bayrischer Rundfunk

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Thank you so much to the Bayrischer Rundfunk, for interviewing me during this year’s Berlinale, on all things intimacy coordination!

Proud and grateful! - oh, and here is the link, if you want to listen to the podcast:

AWARD WIN: "180 km/h leer" wins at the Monheim Handyfilmfestival


#bitit #kissedit #loveit // *** Award win für "180 km/h leer" ***

Wie man sieht, war ich extrem überwältigt und habe sofort reingebissen. In meinen ersten Preis.
"180 km/h leer", meine Burnout-Komödie hat beim mo.BILE - Handyfilm-Festival den 2. Preis in der Kategorie "Alte Hasen" gewonnen!!!
Thema: #nichtwitzig
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Nominierten und alle Gewinner-Filme! :)
Meinen herzlichen Dank an die tolle Moderation
Julia Beerhold
Marius Jung
und die wunderbare Jury, deren Worte zu meinem Film mich wirklich zu Tränen gerührt haben.
Juliane Thevissen, Richard Huber, Marius Jung, Daniela Wutte und Jennifer Günther!
Wenn man sein "Baby" das erste Mal auf der großen Leinwand sieht ist das wirklich etwas ganz besonderes.
Danke Kathleen für die schönen Fotos!
Weitere Danksagungen: dem Deutscher Bundestag, der die Tampon-Steuer von 19% auf 7% gesenkt hat // meinem Ex-Arbeitgeber, ohne den dieser Film niemals entstanden wäre // allen Menschen, die mich auf meiner Reise durch die Nacht begleitet und unterstützt haben. Und meinen Respekt an alle, die noch unterwegs sind.
#eswirdwiederbesser #itgetsbetter #mentalhealthishealth #psychischegesundheit

Deutscher Schauspielpreis 2019: Attending the German Actors Awards

credit: Lisa Muzzulini

credit: Lisa Muzzulini

It was such a joy attending this year’s Deutscher Schauspielpreis, supporting my fellow actors and having a very fun blue experience on the blue carpet! ;-)

Big thanks go to:

La Maison Victor, Schilly and Friends and everyone working tirelessly behind the scenes to make it all happen - with a special shout-out to: Casting Network, Omi Rosis Suppen, Zoopalast Berlin, Bikini Berlin, and my lovely agent, Isabelle Münch at the Friends Connection Agency

Dress and styling: The Pretty Dress Company UK and Dune London.